
Nose Bleeds

  Here's a bend in the nasal septal cartilage, also called a deviated nasal septum. It causes disruption to air flow, which leads to drying, scabbing and then new blood vessel formation, which you can see if you look closely. These new blood vessels are not as robust as those originally within the septum, and are prone to rupture, causing nose bleeds, or epistaxis. They can be treated in the clinic with cautery. Longer term a septoplasty will be required to straighten the deviated nasal septum.

Mulberry Turbinate causing postnasal drip and catarrh

  This is a knobbly back end of the inferior turbinate - a bone that runs from the front of the nose to the back. It's called "Mulberry" because of its appearance. This finding is associated with the symptoms of post nasal drip and catarrh. Treatment is with posterior laser turbinoplasty.

Major breakthrough in remote consultation.

Just another picture of a sore tonsil with holes in it causing tonsil stones? NO!! This was fascinating as it was taken by me via Zoom, on a linked disposable digital endoscope that the patient used to examine herself via Zoom. 200 miles away. Groundbreaking stuff?

Blocked nose due to deviated septum and enlarged inferior turbinate

 This patient complained of chronic left nose blockage causing mouth breathing and snoring. Examination showed a septal deviation (left side of picture) and an enlarged left inferior turbinate (right side of picture). Steroid sprays had not helped previously. The patient opted for laser turbinoplasty under local anaesthetic as a lunchtime procedure. Septal surgery in the form of septoplasty may also be required.

Big sore tonsils

  These big tonsils are causing all sorts of problems, from reccurring sore  throats, snoring and sleep apnoea to bad taste and bad breath. This man needs significant tonsil reduction to improve his airway and drastically reduce sore throats.

Tonsil stone

 This is a strange one. It looks like a tonsil stone, but it is poking through the back of the soft palate into the post nasal space. So not really that close to the tonsil. Which means some tonsil stones don't arise in the tonsils at all. That's why it's always necessary to have a good look with a high definition scope as in this case.

Very obstructed back of throat causing snoring and sleep apnoea

 Snoring and sleep apnoea are caused by blockage of the airway. Here is a picture of the back of the throat where the tonsils are so big they are virtually meeting in the middle of the throat. The whole thing is made worse by a thick and long uvula (the hanging down thing in the back of the mouth). All in all this patient has loud snoring and sleep apnoea and definitely needs intervention in the form of surgery to open up the back of the throat. This will mean laser tonsillectomy and palatoplasty, all under local anaesthetic.